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Psychological assessments or psychological tests are used by qualified psychologists to help interpret human behavior. It helps to get an idea of someone’s thought process and identify many aspects of a person’s personality including a person’s strengths and weaknesses, their personality type, IQ and any possibility of mental illness. Sometimes several different types of these evidence based tests have to be used to get the full picture.

A clinical or intake interview is an important part of an assessment. It is the first real in depth conversation between the psychologist and patient where the psychologist gradually extracts important information about the client’s family, background, upbringing etc. The psychologist is attempting to pick up various details which when put together, can help them to move toward achieving your psychological goal.

IQ is a theoretical measure used to quantify a person’s general intelligence based on things believed to be important elements of intelligence. Authentic IQ tests are intricate, professionally created and have very special reasoning behind each aspect. They are also usually administered by a trained and licensed specialist and as such are far more accurate than basic online tests.

This involves the administration, scoring, and interpretation of empirically supported measures of personality traits and styles in order to:
• Refine clinical diagnoses;
• Structure and inform psychological interventions; and
• Increase the accuracy of behavioral prediction in a variety of contexts and settings (e.g., clinical, forensic, organizational, educational).

Behavioral assessment is a method used in the field of psychology to observe, describe, explain, predict and sometimes correct behavior. Behavioral assessment can be useful in clinical, educational and corporate settings.

An aptitude test is a systematic means of testing a job candidate's abilities to perform specific tasks and react to a range of different situations. It seeks to determine the test taker’s innate ability at a particular competency. The tests each have a standardised method of administration and scoring, with the results quantified and compared with other test takers.

Work performance assessments are used to get an in depth and overall picture of an employee’s performance and effect on a company. They can be very helpful when determining a candidate’s deservingness for a promotion and for rewarding employees for repeated good work. These assessments may also be used to document workers with poor performance or negative behavior to protect the company in the event of a termination that results in a lawsuit. In addition, a work performance assessment is a great tool to help ensure fairness, encourage hard work among employees and give employees with performance issues attainable goals to improve their quality of work.


Forensic evaluations are performed by mental health professionals to provide relevant clinical and scientific data to a legal decision maker or the litigants involved in civil or criminal proceedings. The settings in which forensic evaluations occur are vast, including law enforcement, correctional, and civil and criminal court settings. Forensic assessment may include traditional psychological assessments and specially designed forensic measures.

Psychological evaluations are a way of assessing an individual's behavior, personality, cognitive abilities, and several other domains. Psychological testing and evaluation consists of a series of tests that help determine the cause of psychological symptoms and disorders, to determine the correct diagnosis and follow up with the appropriate course of treatment.

Learning Disabilities and Neurological evaluations
Children and adults with learning disabilities or learning disorders receive and process information differently. The most common types of learning disabilities involve problems with reading, writing, math, retention, reasoning, listening and speaking. This can lead to problem with learning new information and skills so that they need to be taught in ways that are tailored to their unique learning styles. We can help them to do this.

We do the following:
Forensic - Court and Job Processing - Fitness to Stand Trial - Diminished Capacity - Sex Offender Evaluation - Fitness for Duty - Workplace Violence - Juvenile Placement - Parental Fitness - Termination of Parental Rights - FUL (Firearm User License)

All psychological and psychoeducational assessments done.

Dyslexia – Dysgraphia – Dyscalculia – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – Nonverbal Learning Disorders – Central Auditory Processing Disorder – IQ Assessments – Accommodations For Examinations (Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary/University Level)

therapy AND CISD

Therapy (Psychotherapy) is the practice of spending time with a trained professional to help diagnose and treat mental and emotional problems, as well as talking through everyday situations or seeking advice. This can be done individually, as a couple or as a group. It can be conducted via a variety of modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or a combination of several. Therapy aims to improve an individual's well-being and mental health, to resolve or mitigate troublesome behaviors, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions, and to improve relationships and social skills.

A CISD (CRITICAL INCIDENTS STRESS DEBRIEFING) usually takes place within the first 2 or 3 days following a traumatic event and is open to people who were hurt, saw others hurt or killed, or served as first responders. It provides an opportunity to discuss the incident with others who were involved.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an approach to psychotherapy that uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) methods in collaboration with mindfulness meditative practices and similar psychological strategies.

This is a form of psychotherapy that treats problems by regulating dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and thoughts. The focus of CBT is on solutions to problems. This therapy encourages our clients – children, adolescents and adults - to challenge cognitions that have led to problems and to change patterns of behavior that are destructive and have distorted their perceptions of reality.
Group Therapy (CBT) for adolescents is one of the key provisions of the MNC

This is a specific type of CBT which is support-oriented and focuses on building relationships and identifying strengths through distress tolerance and mindfulness therapies.

People are often ill-equipped to handle the chaos of catastrophic events like extreme violence or gruesome deaths. Consequently, survivors of such events often struggle to regain control of their lives to regain a sense of normalcy. They may feel anxious, angry, scared, or guilty and may have trouble with sleep or focus, or even become physically ill. A critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) can prove to be an important tool in the journey toward feeling better. We provide CISDs to Organizations, Institutions and Private Residences.


CONSULTING is the process of giving expert advice on one or more topics. It is a safe space to ask the complicated questions that are integral for success. Being a pool of psychologists with various specialties, there are a large number of areas that MNC is equipped to consult on. There are 3 questions that are always asked: 1) Why are you here? 2) How can we help? 3) What do you expect from the counseling process?

This is usually done after proper tests have been administered to confirm dyslexia. It involved a detailed discussion on moving forward including:
• Academic and dyslexic type difficulties
• The exploration of learning styles
• Notification of available assistive technologies

This type of consultation usually entails us working together with the parent(s) to develop and help implement a plan focused on issues the child may be facing at that time. These issues may include: Defiant or Oppositional Behavior, Anxiety, Social Issues, Eating Problems, Sleeping Problems, Mood Problems, Frustration Tolerance etc.
Parent skills Training - these programs are evidence-based on parenting education and skills training:
• To increase understanding of parenting and child development
• To provide information about services and resources to help improve overall family functioning

Organizational workshops

ORGANIZATIONAL WORKSHOPS help organizations to create new or tweak existing procedures and protocols to better streamline internal interactions with the goal of meeting emerging challenges and opportunities. We help clients identify, organize, and build the capabilities needed to identify and solve their most important organizational challenges.

It is usually the responsibility of the higher level management to inform, guide and motivate the rest of the staff and ensure that they complete their duties to the best of their abilities and with a high level of efficiency. Management, like other members of staff, needs to know how to properly interact with fellow employees to achieve maximum effectiveness. Management workshops can help bridge any gaps that may be knowingly or unknowingly affecting a company’s success rate. These workshops include:

• Management Training
• Leadership Development
• Stress Management
• Motivation In The Workplace
• Employee Accountability

A company is like a machine where if all the parts are not working properly, it can drastically affect the overall performance. Our team building workshops encourage a cohesiveness that is necessary for optimum performance. Do you have problems with your team as regards to communication, problem-solving, delegation of responsibilities and leadership skills? Let us organize team building sessions for you! Call us now!